Immunization Requirements

In accordance with Minnesota state law and Ridgeway Community School Policy # 530 Immunization Requirements no student may be enrolled or remain enrolled, on a full-time, part-time, or shared-time basis, at Ridgeway Community School until the student or the student’s parent or guardian has submitted to the designated school administrator the required proof of immunization. Prior to the student’s first date of attendance, the student or the student’s parent or guardian needs provide to the designated school coordinator one of the following statements:

1.   A statement, from a physician or a public clinic which provides immunizations, stating that the student received the immunizations required by law, consistent with medically acceptable standards; or 

2.  A statement, from a physician or a public clinic which provides immunizations, stating that the student received the primary schedule of immunizations required by law and has commenced a schedule of the remaining required immunizations, indicating the month, day, and year each immunization was administered, consistent with medically acceptable standards.

The statement of a parent or guardian of a student may be substituted for the statement of a physician or public clinic which administers immunizations. If such a statement is substituted, this statement must indicate the month, day, and year each immunization was administered. Upon request, the designated school administrator will provide information to the parent or guardian of a student of the dosages required for each vaccine according to the age of the student.

When there is evidence of the presence of a communicable disease, or when required by any state or federal agency and/or state or federal law, students and/or their parents or guardians may be required to submit such other health care data as is necessary to ensure that the student has received any necessary immunizations and/or is free of any communicable diseases. No student may be enrolled or remain enrolled in the school until the student or the student’s parent or guardian has submitted the required data.

Students who do not provide the appropriate proof of immunization or the required documentation related to an applicable exemption of the student from the required immunization shall be excluded from school until such time as the appropriate proof of immunizations or exemption documentation has been provided.


Students will be exempt from the foregoing immunization requirements under the following circumstances:

1.   The parent or guardian of a minor student submits a physician’s signed statement stating that the immunization of the student is contraindicated for medical reasons or that laboratory confirmation of the presence of adequate immunity exists; or

2.  The parent or guardian of a minor student submits his or her notarized statement stating the student has not been immunized because of the conscientiously held beliefs of the parent, guardian or student.

Questions about the school's immunization policies and procedures can be directed to the
Email School Office or to the Email School Nurse.

Below to download a copy of the school's immunization form.