After School Care and

No School Day Child Care

Ridgeway Community School provides childcare for Ridgeway students after school dismisses at 2:15 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. each school day. The program closes early on the day before winter break and the last day of school. All day childcare is offered on most no school days which fall on weekdays that are not holidays. Childcare is also available on most snow days. See the school's academic calendar (link on right) for the days childcare is provided during the current school year.

The after school program provides and afternoon snack each day at 3:00 p.m.  A morning snack is also provided on no school day childcare days. The program begins each afternoon with recess. A quiet time for homework completion is provided following the afternoon snack. Free choice activities follow homework time , including going back outside for more recess time. Ridgeway's preschool and kindergarten students are grouped together for care outside and in the preschool classroom until 4:00 p.m. each day. After the 1st to 5th grade students finish their quiet homework time, the preschool and kindergarten students join them for the free play time when they have an opportunity to build friendships with the older students.

A variety of other active, creative and academic enrichment activities are offered as part of these child care programs including after school clubs and special no school day programs.

The current rate for these childcare programs are $2.75 per hour per child.  Families who qualify for "Reduced Priced" Educational Benefits pay $2.25 per hour and those who qualify for "Free" Educational Benefits are charged $1.75 per hour. Families participating in these childcare programs need to set up a checking or credit card account for automated billing when enrolling in this program.

For more information about the program email the school's office (

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