Ridgeway Community School Board Members

2024-25 School Year

Ridgeway Community School’s seven-member board of directors is a teacher majority board comprised of four teachers, two parents, and a community member (see list below). The board is elected to two year terms by the school’s parents/guardians and staff at the annual meeting which is typically held in the first half of May.  On May 9, 2024 two teachers. a parent, and community representative were all elected to the board. 

The RCS board meets once every month with committee meetings being held in between the regular board meetings to accomplish tasks and make recommendations to the board for final action.  The board regularly reviews student academic progress and receives updates presented by the lead teachers, school coordinator, and business manager.  The assessment results and educational program plans are the basis for the school's academic goals.  The board has five committees which meet regularly and include board, parent, and community members.  These boards are: board governance, finance, personnel, policy, and wellness. 

Woman Smiling

Rhonda Anderson

Email Rhonda Anderson

Board Member - Teacher Representative - Serving on the Personnel and Policy Committees

Mrs. Anderson has been a teacher at Ridgeway Community School for 21 years.  She was the school's first preschool teacher for two years before continuing to teach one of the school's fourth and fifth-grade multi-age classes.  She teaches reading and language arts to her 4th and 5th-grade class, math to all the school's 5th-graders, and 4th and 5th-grade social studies.   Rhonda has been one of the school's co-lead teachers for 17 years served on the Educational Leadership Team and oversees the school's Title programs.  She also serves on the board's Personnel and Policy Committees.  Rhonda and her husband have four adult children and two grandchildren.  She lives in Pickwick, Minnesota.

Term dates: 7/1/24 to  6/31/26

Woman Smiling

Sarah Bloom

Email Sarah Bloom

Board Chair - Parent Representative - Serving on the Board Governance Committee 

Mrs. Bloom is in her first term on the Ridgeway Community School Board. She has been a licensed insurance agent with Country Financial Insurance for the past eight years.   She and her family live in the Ridgeway area and Sarah attended Ridgeway Elementary School before its conversion to Ridgeway Community School.   Sarah serves as the Pleasant Hill Township Clerk and is active in Ridgeway Evangelical Lutheran Church.  She recently stepped down from her position as the treasurer of the La Crescent  Applefest board where she served for many years.  Sarah's daughter Averie is currently a 3rd grader at Ridgeway Community School.  

Term dates: 7/1/23 to 6/30/25

Woman Smiling

Danielle Helms

Email Danielle Helms

Board Member - Teacher Representative - Serving on the Finance and Policy Committees.   ​​​​​​

Mrs. Helms is serving in her first term on the RCS board.  She is in her 10th year as a kindergarten teacher at Ridgeway Community School.  Danielle serves on the finance and policy committees.  Prior to working at RCS Mrs. Helms completed her education degree at Winona State University and worked as a preschool teacher at a local preschool.  Danielle and her husband have two boys one of whom is a 2nd grader at RCS.  She and her family reside in Winona where they are licensed foster parents through Winona County Human Services.  

Term dates:  7/1/23 to 6/30/25

Anne Kramer

Anne Kramer

Email Anne Krammer

Board Member - Teacher Representative - Serving on the Policy Committees.   ​​​​​​

Mrs. Kramer is serving in her first term on the RCS board.  She is in her 4th year as the school's RISE Program intervention teacher at Ridgeway Community School.  Anne serves on the school board's policy committee.  Before working at RCS Mrs. Kramer taught at Bluffview Montessori School in Winona.  She received her bachelor's degree in elementary education from Winona State University.  Anne and her husband have two daughters and reside in Winona.  

Term dates:  7/1/24 to 6/31/26

Woman Smiling

Jennifer Krings

Email Jennifer Krings

Board Member - Teacher Representative - Serving on the Finance and Personnel Committees

Mrs. Krings is in her 17th year as a fourth and fifth grade teacher at Ridgeway Community School.  Her responsibilities include teaching 4th grade math and science to all of the 4th and 5th grade students as well as reading and language arts to her 4th and 5th grade class.  In addition to her teaching responsibilities Jennifer also serves as the school's Co-Lead Teacher and Assessment Coordinator.  She is also a member of the Educational Leadership Team and serves on the board's Personnel and Finance Committees.  Mrs. Krings and her husband have two sons, a 4th grader attending Ridgeway Community School and a 8th grader.

Term Dates: 7/1/23 to 6/31/25

Woman Smiling

Breana (Bree) Larsen

Email Breana (Bree) Larsen

Board Member - Parent  Representative - 

Mrs. Larsen is serving her second term as a parent representative on the RCS board.  She is the assistant Athletic Director at Winona State University and is responsible for all aspects of athletic program compliance including student-athlete eligibility.  She has received awards for her service to the university due to her work on several university committees.  While her primary work has been at the collegiate level she has held a K-12 teaching license.  Bree is a bonus mom of two boys who attended RCS and has a 3rd-grade son and a 1st-grade daughter who attends Ridgeway Community School.   Bree, her husband and her family live in Pleasant Valley.

Term dates: 7/1/24 to 6/31/26


David Nutter

Email David Nutter

Community Representative - Board Treasurer - Serving on the Finance Committee
Mr. Nutter is serving his second two-year term on the RCS Board.  Dave is the parent of three RCS alumni.  His daughter, Alex, graduated from the University of Sioux Falls and teaches 3rd grade in Sioux Falls, SD.  His son Grant studies pharmacy at Drake University, and his youngest son Ryan is a La Crescent High School senior.  Dave has volunteered at RCS for several years running open gym sessions and has twice chaperoned the 4th and 5th grade field trip to Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center.  Dave was the co-owner of a software development company, HAV Inc., for 30 years.  Dave, his wife and family live south of Ridgeway in nearby Houston township.  

Term dates: 7/1/24 to 6/31/26